Greetings District #259 Families and Staff,
On behalf of the Board of Education and Administration, we would like to wish you all a safe and Holiday Season! We hope that your time away is filled with rest, family, and fun!
The District Office and LRS will be closed on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day. We will be open from Monday (Dec. 28th) through Wednesday (Dec. 30th) from 8 AM until 1 PM. Also, we will be closed on New Year Eve and New Year Day. The building will reopen on January 4, 2021 for at 7:00 AM for normal business operations.
Have a Happy Holiday!

Greeting to all members of the District 259 Community,
This message is on behalf of the Pembroke Township/Village of Hopkins Park Water Commissioner:
There has been a Boil Water Order issued for the entire Pembroke Township area until further notice. Please look forward to updates in the upcoming days.
Thank you!

We invite you to join us for the Pembroke District #259 Holiday "Drive-By" Dinner on Wednesday, December 16th between 4 PM and 5:30 PM at Lorenzo R. Smith School. Please drive up and receive your holiday dinner right from your car! All are welcome!!!
Happy Holidays!

Greetings District #259 Families and Staff,
On behalf of the Board of Education, I would like to wish you all a Happy Thanksgiving season! We all have so much to be thankful for during these time of craziness and uncertainty in our world. We hope that you all take the time to enjoy your family and friends over this season, and that you take the time to reflect and be thankful for the blessings that each of us enjoy.
Take care and have a Happy Thanksgiving!

Greeting District #259 Stakeholders,
This message is to remind you that Tuesday, November 3, 2020 has been declared a State of Illinois Holiday for all students and staff. Therefore, there will be NO SCHOOL. Students will not be required to attend Remote Learning. School will resume for all students and staff on Wednesday, November 4th.
Thank you!

Greeting District 259 Stakeholders,
This message is to remind you that Tuesday, November 3, 2020 has been declared a State of Illinois Holiday for all students and staff. Therefore, there will be NO SCHOOL. Students will not be required to attend Remote Learning. School will resume from all students and staff on Wednesday, November 4th.
Thank you!

Please come out and join the Ladies of Pembroke Book Club and the C.A.R.E.S. Committee for an afternoon of fun and treats! Everyone must wear a mask at all time and must follow all social distancing directives.

Please come out and support!

Greetings District 259 Parents, Students, Staff and Community,
This notification is to inform you that the Lorenzo R. Smith School building will be closed to the public for the remainder of this week (Wednesday, October 20th through Friday, October 22nd) for deep cleaning and disinfecting. Please note that Remote Learning for all students will resume as usual. If you have any questions please contact the Main Office at 815-944-5219 (Option 3) and we will be happy to assist you.
Thank you and have a great day.

Greetings District 259 Families,
The purpose of this message is to inform you that the pick-up of student instructional materials that was scheduled for tomorrow, Friday, October 16th has been cancelled. In an effort to maintain a safe and healthy school environment, we want to take every precaution necessary to keep down the spread of COVID-19.
For parents that were prepared to come to pick-up students' materials on Friday, we apologize for any inconvenience that our cancellation has caused. We will begin delivering student materials early next week to each home. If you would like to have a conversation with your child's teacher, then please send the teacher an email and they will schedule you for a conference in the Google Classroom.
We sincerely thank you for your understanding and commitment to working with you to support of student of Pembroke School District #259.
Thank you and take care!

Greeting District #259 Stakeholders,
At a Special Meeting of the Board of Education on October 1st, the decision was made to continue Remote Learning from home for all students for the duration of the 2nd Instructional Quarter (October 19th- December 18th). This decision was made in the best interest of keeping down the possible spread of COVID-19 across the District. In collaboration with the Illinois State Board of Education and the Illinois Department of Public Health, we will continue to assess the science and spread of the virus and make a decision to return to the building for face-to-face instruction in January of 2021.
In the upcoming days you will be provided further guidance on the processes we will take to provide students instructional materials for the 2nd Quarter.
We will all get through this together!
Dr. Marcus T. Alexander, Superintendent

Please complete the School Reintegration Parent Survey which can be found on the District's website www.psd259.org. This is very important and we want to hear from you!

Due to power outages across Pembroke Township the school will he closed today (Tuesday, August 11th) for all staff. I will keep you updated on when it is safe to return to the building.
Take Care,
Dr. Alexander

Welcome to the 2020-2021 School Year!!!

Please complete this survey to provide us some feedback as we prepare to come to school after COVID-19!

On Behalf of the Board and Administration,
We would like to take this time to thank each and every teacher for their dedication, care, and commitment to all students at Pembroke CCSD #259!

Happy Teacher Appreciation Week! Thank You for all you do!

Welcome to the new website!