"Educating the mind, without educating the heart is no education at all." Aristotle
Please join us for our next session of Parent University on December 6th at 1:00pm in the SAFE Center at LRS where we will explain Social Emotional Learning (SEL) Standards.
What is SEL? Social and Emotional Learning is an integral part of education and human development. It is the process through which all young people and adults acquire and apply the knowledge, skills, and attitudes to develop healthy identities, manage emotions and achieve personal and collective goals, feel and show empathy for others, establish and maintain supportive relationships, and make responsible and caring decisions.

Pembroke Families! Toys for Tots Applications are available at Lorenzo Smith School. This program serves children 1-12 years old. Applications are available at Lorenzo Smith School by picking them up in the lobby or emailing: ttwest@pembroke.k12.il.us. Applications will be accepted until December 12th. Toy distribution will be December 22nd at Lorenzo Smith School. For more information call 815-944-5219 ext 363 or email ttwest@pembroke.k12.il.us

Please join us tomorrow (Thursday-November 30th) from 6-730 PM for LORENZO SMITH'S FAMILY READING NIGHT!!! We'll have a wide range of reading activities, designed to celebrate your student's commitment to Literacy practices. We'll have Story Time, Winter Book FUN and even a RAFFLE!!! Come out and read with us!!! See you there!!!
Principal Chambers

Happy Thanksgiving to All!

Lorenzo Smith School is honoring the life and sacrifice of a brave firefighter who gave his all to protect his community. May his legacy be a reminder of the selfless service of our first responders
Flags will be lowered starting at sunrise on November 17 through sundown on November 20, 2023.

Please join us for our 1st parent-engagement SAFE CENTER SESSION. This month will feature our partner Clove Alliance whose presentation will add tools to our parenting toolbox by learning how to have tough talks with our kids. Please note that due to the sensitive nature of the topics and desire to be age appropriate, there will be two sessions so please plan accordingly.
Unsafe Secrets: Teaching kids about body safety-Talking to kids about body safety and online predators can be intimidating for parents and caregivers. This presentation facilitated by Clove Alliance will provide information on how to empower your child and prevent child sexual abuse. This program is recommended for caregivers of children in PreK-5th grades from 1pm-2pm.
Let's Talk: Promoting Safe and Healthy Teen Relationships-Being the parent of a tween or teen is challenging, especially in today's high-tech world. This training will help parents navigate tough issues teens face and provide specific strategies for keeping them safe. Parents will learn online safety tips, how to help teens understand what healthy and respectful relationships look like, and how to set personal boundaries. This presentation is intended for parents and caregivers of students in 6th-8th grades from 2pm-3pm.

Please join us as we celebrate Veterans Day by honoring all of those, living and dead, who served in the U. S. Armed Forces in times of war including Pembroke's very own Sgt. Ottaway Larson Williams on Friday, November 10th at 2:00pm in the school gymnasium.

Our inaugural Parent University was held on November 1st, 2023 at Lorenzo R. Smith SAFE Center.
Parents were taught about our Standards Based Grading implementation and how to use our student platform (OTUS) in checking and being able to stay aware of their student's progress.
Lorenzo families, we'd like you to come out and support our endeavors, in providing the best education we can, for your children. Our new Parent University will be held on November 29th, also in the SAFE Center. Please continue to check our Facebook pages and websites for additional information.
Thank you as always, for your continued support.
Principal Chambers
Dr. Nicole Smith
(Pembroke Community Consolidated School District #259 Superintendent).

Good afternoon LRS Families!!
Please, don't forget we're hosting our first Parent University tomorrow from 1-2pm in the SAFE Center. Our first focus will be the implementation of our Standards Based Grading and how it differs from a traditional grading system. Please come out and learn with us!!
See you soon,
Principal Chambers

We had so MUCH FUN at our Annual Fall Festival. Please, stay tuned for events happening at Lorenzo R. Smith Elementary School!! "Once a MUSTANG, ALWAYS A MUSTANG!!! Check out some of our pictures from the event!!

Good afternoon Families of Lorenzo.
Have questions about our Standards Based Grading?
Need further explanation of your student's report card?
Join us on November 1st @1pm in the S.A.F.E. Center for our 1st Parent University!!! Our parent University will focus on equitable, standards based grading and our "why".
Wednesday, November 1st, 2023. We will see you there!!!

Lorenzo Smith School would like to thank all the participants and sponsors of the Fall Festival held October 21st on the school campus. It was a beautiful day to celebrate!

Please join us for our annual FALL HARVEST FESTIVAL at Lorenzo Smith School on Saturday, October 21st from 1-4pm! This is a free event for all. We have food, fun, vendors, trunk or treat, a kids zone, a pumpkin decorating contest, a costume contest, prizes for the best trunk display, and more! Don't miss it wonderful community event!

Pembroke Community Consolidated School District #259, Senator Elgie Sims, and State Representative Nick Smith will be hosting a Health and Resource Fair on October 18th from 11am to 3pm in the Student & Family Engagement (SAFE) Center on the campus of Lorenzo Smith School. This fair will feature resources for senior constituents including vaccinations, diabetes and hypertension screenings, and more.
Essential Smoothies Café is the lunch vendor and is sponsored by The Village of Hopkins Park and Pembroke Township.

SAVE THE DATE: Our annual Fall Festival will be Saturday, October 21st from noon to 4pm for the Pembroke Community. Please join us in celebration!

When: Wednesday, October 18th from 11am - 3pm
What: Community Health and Resource Fair
Where: Lorenzo R. Smith School (SAFE Center Wing) 4120 S. Wheeler Road, Hopkins Park, IL- Kankakee County
Why: Senator Elgie Sims, State Representative Nick Smith, and the Pembroke CC School District #259 Student and Family Engagement (SAFE) Center will be hosting this event to feature resources for constituents including vaccinations, diabetes and hypertension screenings, and other important information regarding health plan options for the upcoming enrollment period. This event will cater to Pembroke Township, IL, and surrounding areas in Districts 17 and 34. Many residents lack accessibility to state resources and our mission is to bring those resources together in a centralized location for our community.

Aprende inglés gratis
La Unidad Móvil Wheels of Opportunity de KCC estará junto al Centro SAFE en la Escuela Lorenzo R. Smith el jueves 28 de septiembre de 12 p.m. metro. a 4 p.m. metro.
Información en español: 815-802-8312
Learn English for free
KCC's Wheels of Opportunity Mobile Unit will be next to the SAFE Center at Lorenzo R. Smith School on Thursday, September 28 from 12 p.m. m. to 4 p.m. For more information: 815-802-8312

Calling the Fathers of Lorenzo School! Please join us at 7:45 am to welcome our students back to school! Stay for donuts and juice for Dads.
¡Llamando a los Padres del Colegio Lorenzo! ¡Únase a nosotros a las 7:45 am para dar la bienvenida a nuestros estudiantes de regreso a la escuela! Quedate por donas y jugo para los Papás.

We're inviting all Lorenzo Smith Families to join us for an Open House! Meet your child's teachers, hear from our new principal Mr. Chambers, and learn about the SAFE Center and how we may assist you. We will have refreshments and raffles for cool prizes. The classroom with the best attendance will receive a pizza party!
¡Estamos invitando a todas las familias de Lorenzo Smith a unirse a nosotros para una jornada de puertas abiertas esta semana! Conozca a los maestros de su hijo, escuche a nuestro nuevo director, el Sr. Chambers, y aprenda sobre el Centro SAFE y cómo podemos ayudarlo. Tendremos refrigerios y rifas de grandes premios. ¡El salón de clases con la mejor asistencia recibirá una fiesta con pizza!

Pembroke/Hopkins Park, the SAFE Center is proud to announce we are bringing Prairie State Legal Services, "Ask a Lawyer" program to Lorenzo R. Smith every Third Tuesday starting June 20th from 9:30-1 pm. If you need assistance with SSI/SSDI, Child Support, Housing or Eviction, or other civil matters give them a call!
Pre-register by calling 815-614-2917 or to get more information.