Summer School is in session! From Monday-Thursday from 8 am to 12:30 pm beginning June 5th to June 29th. There will be no school on June 19th in honor of Juneteenth. Please visit these websites for additional learning opportunities:
almost 2 years ago, Tomika Talley-West
Summer School
The 2022-2023 school year has come to an end! A special thanks to the parents who have contributed in ways small, large, and unimaginable! Thank you for the partnership between home and school, which is so important. We’re wishing you a summer filled with relaxation, fun, learning, family, and friends! Stay connected to our Facebook page and school website for information all summer!
almost 2 years ago, Tomika Talley-West
Schools Out
Please join us as we hear from our very own Superintendent Dr. Nicole Terrell-Smith on Wednesday, May 17th from 5pm to 7 pm as we discuss the progress and future of the Pembroke School District. In addition, please enjoy the Student and Family Engagement (SAFE) Center Resource Fair with various service providers. Parents who enrolled in My Joyful Heart Children's Charity can also pick up their child's gift bag. This is a free event. Food will be served. We look forward to seeing you there!
almost 2 years ago, Tomika Talley-West
State of the District
State of District Spanish
Please join us as we hear from our very own Superintendent Dr. Nicole Terrell-Smith on Wednesday, May 17th from 5pm to 7 pm as we discuss the progress and future of the Pembroke School District. In addition, please enjoy the Student and Family Engagement (SAFE) Center Resource Fair with various service providers. Parents who enrolled in My Joyful Heart Children's Charity can also pick up their child's gift bag. This is a free event. Food will be served. We look forward to seeing you there!
almost 2 years ago, Tomika Talley-West
State of the District
State of District Spanish
Lorenzo Smith Families~We hope to see you at the FAMILY READING NIGHT tomorrow, Wednesday, May 10th! There will be fun for the entire family. Join us for games, pizza, reading resources, and stop by the book fair in the library. This event is free. We look forward to seeing you there!
almost 2 years ago, Tomika Talley-West
LRS Family Reading Night
Lorenzo R. Smith celebrates Cinco De Mayo! The very impressive mariachi band from Jovita Idar Elementary School led our celebration! ¡Lorenzo R. Smith celebra el Cinco de Mayo! ¡La impresionante banda de mariachis de la Escuela Primaria Jovita Idar dirigió nuestra celebración!
almost 2 years ago, Tomika Talley-West
Cinco De Mayo Celebration
Cinco De Mayo Celebration
Cinco De Mayo Celebration
Cinco De Mayo Celebration
Cinco De Mayo Celebration
Cinco De Mayo Celebration
Cinco De Mayo Celebration
Cinco De Mayo Celebration
Cinco De Mayo Celebration
Cinco De Mayo Celebration
Lorenzo Smith Families are invited to our Family Reading Night on Wednesday, May 10th from 5:30 pm to 7:30 pm. We will have pizza, book readings, raffles, fun games, and more! Families will also have an opportunity to add to their home library by visiting the book fair in the library! We look forward to seeing you there! Las familias de Lorenzo Smith están invitadas a nuestra Noche de Lectura Familiar el miércoles 10 de mayo de 5:30 pm a 7:30 pm. ¡Tendremos pizza, lecturas de libros, rifas, juegos divertidos y más! ¡Las familias también tendrán la oportunidad de agregar a la biblioteca de su hogar visitando la feria del libro en la biblioteca! Esperamos verlos allí!
almost 2 years ago, Tomika Talley-West
Family Reading Night
Family Reading Night Spanish
Pembroke Community Cons. SD259, is hosting their Preschool Screening on Thursday, May 11, 2023. For an appointment call the front office at 815-944-5219. Seats are limited! Distrito Escolar 259 de la Comunidad Consolidada de Pembroke, realizará su evaluación preescolar el jueves 11 de mayo de 2023. Para programar una cita, llame a la oficina principal al 815-944-5219. ¡Los asientos son limitados!
almost 2 years ago, Vanessa Duran
Preschool Spanish
Preschool English
April is National Poetry Month. Ms. Glenn challenged students by providing trivia on a bulletin board, "Tupac or Shakespeare." Test your knowledge by guessing which poet said, "Some are born great, some achieve greatness, and some have greatness thrust upon them."
almost 2 years ago, Tomika Talley-West
April National Poetry Month
Poetry Month Bulletin Board
Tupac or Shakespear
Friendly Reminder: Lorenzo R. Smith School will dismiss students at 1:00pm today! Have a great weekend Mustangs!
almost 2 years ago, Tomika Talley-West
Early Release Day
On Thursday, April 6th, Lorenzo Legend and Kankakee County Auditor, Jake Lee shared his experience and wisdom with the students of Lorenzo R. Smith School during the Legends of Lorenzo Lunch Series. Jake shared how an early childhood accident which was extremely traumatic, ended up saving his life. He also shared his career path to becoming the first Black county-wide Elected Official in Kankakee County and he grew up on Gamble Road. One of the most valuable tools he left with students is to do GREAT. G-have Gratitude always, be R- Resilient- develop grit and endurance work hard to work hard for success. E-Education invest in your education and take it seriously! A-always be Accountable and lastly, be T-Teachable!
almost 2 years ago, Tomika Talley-West
Jake Audience
Once a Mustang Always a Mustang Lee
Jake takes Questions
Jake Presentation
On Thursday, March 16th we began the "Legends of Lorenzo" Lunch Series with Ms. Lucille Hayes, a retired educator and life-long Pembroke Township resident. Ms. Hayes, who turned 102 on March 19th, shared her wisdom and experience with each grade during the lunch periods. The children were excited to ask questions including "How have you lived so long?" to which she replied, "I've done my best to live a good life and treat people right." We also had the honor of celebrating her birthday with her with cupcakes! The lunch series is not open to the public but please stay tuned as we will share the highlights each week! "Once a Mustang, Always a Mustang!"
almost 2 years ago, Tomika Talley-West
Lorenzo Legend Ms. Lucille Hayes shares
1st graders excited to Meet Lorenzo Legend Ms. Lucille Hayes
Ms. Hayes speaks to the Children
Envy introduce Ms. Hayes
Celebrating her Birthday!
Students Present with Lorenzo Legend Lucille Hayes
Please join us for our next parent engagement session of "Pastries with Parents" on April 12th from 9am to 10am in the SAFE Center at Lorenzo R. Smith School. Our guest speaker will be Project S.U.N. who will help us discover next steps if your child is struggling with their emotions, behaviors, or if a screening has indicated a potential mental health concern. Connect with other parents who have walked through the process of planning behavioral health care for their child, and learn more about children's behavioral health and relevant child and family wellness topics. This event is free. Please register by calling 815-944-5219 or email
almost 2 years ago, Tomika Talley-West
PwP April Eng
PwP April Spanish
Spring Break for Pembroke School District #259 will be March 27th-March 31st. We encourage you to treat it as a reward. You deserve a fun, relaxing escape from the daily grind. Please be safe because we need your smiling faces back in school happy and healthy on April 3rd! Las vacaciones de primavera para el Distrito Escolar de Pembroke #259 serán del 27 al 31 de marzo. Le animamos a que lo trate como una recompensa. Te mereces un escape divertido y relajante de la rutina diaria. ¡Cuídense porque necesitamos sus caras sonrientes de vuelta en la escuela felices y saludables el 3 de abril!
almost 2 years ago, Tomika Talley-West
Tonight, Tuesday, March 21st will be the Candidates Forum hosted by the Kankakee County NAACP at Lorenzo R. Smith School. At 5:30 pm, hear from the Pembroke School Board Candidates, and at 7:00 pm hear from the Mayoral Candidates.
almost 2 years ago, Tomika Talley-West
Candidates Forum
UPDATE: Good evening Pembroke Family, Due to the forecasted severe winter weather in the afternoon and evening hours of Friday, March 3, St Anne has announced an early dismissal. Because we share buses, we will have early dismissal as well. Students will be dismissed at 12:45 PM. There will be no after school activities. If any other changes are necessary we will be sure to notify our families as soon as possible. Thank you and be safe! Go Mustangs!
about 2 years ago, Vanessa Duran
Weather Alert
ACTUALIZACIÓN: Buenas noches, familia de Pembroke. Debido al clima invernal severo pronosticado para la tarde y la noche del viernes 3 de marzo, St Anne ha anunciado una salida temprana. Debido a que compartimos autobuses, también tendremos salida temprana. Los estudiantes saldrán a las 12:45 PM. No habrá actividades después de la escuela. Si es necesario algún otro cambio, nos aseguraremos de notificar a nuestras familias lo antes posible. ¡Gracias y cuídense! ¡Vamos Mustangs!
about 2 years ago, Vanessa Duran
Weather Alert Spanish
Greetings Pembroke School District Families, In preparation for the winter storm being projected for our area tomorrow, Friday, March 3, 2023, we are utilizing weather reports including information being received from the National Weather Service to determine our course of action. At this moment, we will be in attendance for tomorrow. However, based on current reports there is the possibility of an interrupted day. If an interrupted day is necessary students will be released at 12:45p. Lunch will be provided. Please note, this is informational only at this time and is subject to change. As of now, we will be operating under our normal school schedule for tomorrow, Friday, March 3, 2023. However, we are informing our families to allow time to put a contingency plan in place should students need to be released early. As more information becomes available we will continue to provide updates. Thank you for your cooperation and understanding.
about 2 years ago, Tomika Talley-West
Saludos familias del distrito escolar de Pembroke, En preparación para la tormenta de invierno que se proyecta para nuestra área mañana, viernes 3 de marzo de 2023, estamos utilizando informes meteorológicos que incluyen información recibida del Servicio Meteorológico Nacional para determinar nuestro curso de acción. En este momento, estaremos presentes para mañana. Sin embargo, según los informes actuales, existe la posibilidad de un día interrumpido. Si es necesario un día interrumpido, los estudiantes saldrán a las 12:45 p.m. Se proporcionará almuerzo. Tenga en cuenta que esto es solo informativo en este momento y está sujeto a cambios. A partir de ahora, estaremos operando bajo nuestro horario escolar normal para mañana, viernes 3 de marzo de 2023. Sin embargo, estamos informando a nuestras familias para que den tiempo para implementar un plan de contingencia en caso de que los estudiantes necesiten salir temprano. A medida que haya más información disponible, continuaremos brindando actualizaciones.
about 2 years ago, Tomika Talley-West
Weather Alert Spanish
Únase a nosotros en el próximo Pasteles con los padres el miércoles 8 de marzo de 9 a. m. a 10 a. m. en el Centro SAFE de la Escuela Lorenzo Smith. Tendremos café caliente, jugo frío y pasteles. Harbor House compartirá con nosotros consejos sobre "Cómo tener conversaciones difíciles con sus hijos". Este evento es gratuito. Su estudiante recibirá dos Mustang Bucks por su asistencia. Reserve su lugar llamando al 815-944-5219 o enviando un correo electrónico a
about 2 years ago, Tomika Talley-West