Greetings Parents, Harbor House and the Illinois Coalition for Community Services will host their first annual Back to School Bash on Saturday, August 13 from noon to 4 pm in the St. Rose Chapel parking lot at 430 W Merchant St, Kankakee.
over 2 years ago, Vanessa Duran
Back To School Bash- St. Rose
Back to School Bash- Spanish
Mark your calendar for the following school events: Tuesday, August 2, 2022 10am-3pm In-Person Registration and School Physicals Thursday, August 11, 2022 1pm-6pm In-Person Registration, School Physicals, and Immunizations 2pm-5pm Back to School Picnic Hope to see you there!
over 2 years ago, Vanessa Duran
Registration Flyer-Spanish
Registration Flyer
Preschool Screening Tuesday, August 9, 2022 By Appointment ONLY
over 2 years ago, Vanessa Duran
Preschool Screening Flyer
Preschool Screening Flyer Spanish
Parents & Community, We are in need of your input to help vocalize and target areas of need to further help allocate Kankakee County ARP funds. The Kankakee County's Community Needs Assessment survey is now open to the public COUNTY-WIDE! A link and QR code to the survey are noted. The survey will be open through July 31st. THANK YOU in advance for your time. SURVEY LINK:
over 2 years ago, Dr. Nicole Terrell-Smith
County Needs Assessment Survey
County Needs Assessment Survey_Spanish
Greetings Parents, This message is to inform you that Online Registration, for School Year 2022-2023, is now open to all returning students. Medical documents may be dropped off Monday-Thursday between 8am-2pm. Please contact the Main Office with any questions at 815-944-5219. Thank you!
almost 3 years ago, Marcus Alexander
Greetings Parents, This message is a reminder that Summer School will begin tomorrow, May 31st from 8:30 AM until 12:30 PM. Students will be provided breakfast and lunch each day. We look forward to a fun and enriching program. Please contact the Main Office if you have any questions. Take Care!
almost 3 years ago, Marcus Alexander
Greetings Parents, This message is to remind you that tomorrow, Friday May 13th is an Early Dismissal for all students to at 1:00 PM. Thank you!
almost 3 years ago, Marcus Alexander
Pembroke Easter Egg Hunt!
almost 3 years ago, Marcus Alexander
Easter Egg Hunt
Easter Egg Hunt
Greetings LRS Family, Tomorrow, Tuesday April 12th, students in grades 3rd through 8th will be taking the Illinois Assessment of Readiness test. Please ensure that your child gets a good night rest and will be on time for school tomorrow. Please encourage your child to do their best on the test. We are proud of our students and are ready to show the world what they can do! Thank you!
almost 3 years ago, Marcus Alexander
Greetings LRS Family, March 28th through April 1st is our Spring Break for all students and staff. School will resume on Monday, April 4, 2022. We hope that you all have a safe and restful break! Take Care!
almost 3 years ago, Marcus Alexander
Greetings LRS Parents, This Wednesday, March 23rd, we will be hosting 3rd Quarter Parent-Teacher Conferences from 4pm-6pm. Report cards will be given out that evening by your child's teacher. All other Report Cards will be sent home with the students on the following school day. Thank you!
almost 3 years ago, Marcus Alexander
Effective March 1, 2022, Pembroke CCSD #259 will go Mask Optional , yet HIGHLY RECOMMENDED!
about 3 years ago, Marcus Alexander
Mask Optional Letter
Pembroke CCSD: Greetings Parents, This message is to inform you that due to inclement weather predictions and extremely hazardous road conditions that school will be closed on Friday, February 18, 2022 for all students and staff. Students will continue to follow the eLearning plan that has been laid out. Please ensure that student bring all assigned classwork back to school on Friday. If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact the Main Office at 815-944-5448. Take care and stay safe!
about 3 years ago, Marcus Alexander
Greetings Parents, This message is to inform you that due to inclement weather predictions and extremely hazardous road conditions that school will be closed on Thursday, February 17, 2022 for all students and staff. Students will continue to follow the eLearning plan that has been laid out. Please ensure that student bring all assigned classwork back to school on Friday. If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact the Main Office at 815-944-5448. Take care and stay safe!
about 3 years ago, Marcus Alexander
Greetings LRS Parents, This message is to remind you that today, February 11, 2022 is an early dismissal for all students at 1:15 PM. Please have a safe and restful weekend. Take Care!
about 3 years ago, Marcus Alexander
Greetings District #259 Parents, This message is to inform you that due to continuously inclement weather and extremely hazardous road conditions that school will be closed on Friday, February 4, 2022 for all students and staff. Students will continue to follow the eLearning plan that has been laid out for the past two days. In addition, the COVID-19 Vaccination Clinic is being rescheduled until Monday, February 7, 2022. Please ensure that student bring all assigned classwork back to school on Monday. Also, please bring your consent forms if you will be taking the vaccine. If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact the Main Office at 815-944-5448. Stay warm, and stay safe!
about 3 years ago, Marcus Alexander
Greetings District #259 Family, In partnership with the Illinois Department of Public Health, District #259 will be hosting a COVID-19 Vaccine Clinic for students, staff, and community members who are ages 5+ on Friday, February 4, 2022 from 9 AM until 11 AM. This event is also open to the General Public. Flyers and Registration Packets have been sent home for all students in grades Kindergarten through 8th. Students and staff are NOT mandated to receive the vaccine. This is being offered as a support and a service to minimize the spread of the virus. Please register using the QR Code listed on the flyer if you are interested. Please reach out directly to District Office at 815-944-5448 Option 5 if you have any questions. Thank you!
about 3 years ago, Marcus Alexander
Greetings District #259 Families, We apologize for the inconvenience but we experienced some technical difficulties with our RoboCall system on yesterday which prohibited some parents hearing the school closure message. The following message was sent out yesterday to all parents: This message is to inform you that in anticipation of a severe Winter Storm Warning for the Kankakee County area, school will be closed on Wednesday, February 2nd and Thursday, February 3rd, 2022 for all students and staff. This school closure has been designated as E-Learning Days. This means that students will be provided instructional materials to complete while at home and must bring them back on the next instructional day in order to receive credit/attendance. Each student was also sent home with a sack containing Breakfast and Lunch for two days. If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact the Main Office at 815-944-5448. Stay warm, and stay safe!
about 3 years ago, Marcus Alexander
Good Morning District #259 Families, School WILL be in session today. Buses will run as usual. Parents, please make sure that your students are dressed warmed. We look forward to seeing you all this morning for a great day of instruction! Thank you!
about 3 years ago, Marcus Alexander
Greetings Lorenzo R. Smith Family, Please be advised that Friday, January 14th will be a 1pm Early Dismissal for School Improvement Day. Also, Monday, January 17th there will be NO SCHOOL in recognition of Martin Luther King Day. Any questions please contact Administration. Have a great week!
about 3 years ago, Marcus Alexander