Greetings Parents, On Tuesday, January 4th, Nicor Gas will be hosting a Coat Drive for LRS students. Coats will be distributed to those students/families that have previously requested to participate in the program. We are very grateful and excited for this partnership! If you have any questions, please contact Administration. Thank You!
about 3 years ago, Marcus Alexander
Greetings LRS Families, In an effort to minimize the spread and transmission of COVID-19 all students of Lorenzo R. Smith School will be required to provide negative test results upon entry into the school building when they return on January 4, 2022. This applies to students that are both vaccinated and unvaccinated. All students will be provided a free test upon entry into the school before going to the classrooms. If a student tests positive then they will be sent to the isolation room immediately, and sent home to quarantine. In addition, the Administration will conduct contract tracing to ensure that the positive case is contained. If you have any questions or concern please do not hesitate to contact Administration at 815-944-5219. Thank you!
about 3 years ago, Marcus Alexander
Greetings District #259 Community, It has been brought to my attention that there has been mention of threats for school violence on Friday, December 17th via social media (TikTok) that have raised some concern across the United States. Although these threats are not perceived to be credible and directly aimed at our school, our Administration is aware and will be implementing extra safety precautions tomorrow, December 17th. The health and safety of all students and staff are our top priority. We will keep you posted if anything arises from the threats. Take Care, Dr. Alexander
about 3 years ago, Marcus Alexander
Greetings Parents, This is a reminder that tomorrow, Friday, December 17th, is an early dismissal day for all students at 1pm. Please plan for your child's early dismissal. You may contact the Main Office at 815-944-5219 for any questions or concerns. Thank You and Happy Holidays!
about 3 years ago, Marcus Alexander
Hot Chocolate, Cookies and Crafts With Santa!!!
about 3 years ago, Marcus Alexander
English Flyer
Hot Chocolate
Good Evening Parents and Community Members, This is a reminder that tomorrow, at 9:30 AM Lorenzo R. Smith students will present their winter program. Please join us online as we celebrate the end of the semester and the beginning of the winter season with our Winter Program: Christmas in Any Language. Please tune in by going to our website and click on the link under the "News" tab. Happy Holidays!
about 3 years ago, Marcus Alexander
Greetings Parents, This is a reminder that Thursday, November 11th, there is No School in observance of Veteran’s Day. Friday, November 12th, is School Improvement Day, and all students have an early dismissal at 1pm. For any questions or concerns you may contact the Main Office at 815-944-5219. Thank you!
over 3 years ago, Marcus Alexander
​October 14, 2021 Greetings, This communication is to inform you that a positive COVID-19 case has been reported within Lorenzo R. Smith Elementary School. Contact Tracing and investigations have been conducted by the Kankakee County Health Department and the District’s Administration. This message is for informational purposes only; those personnel that were considered to be Close Contacts have been notified under separate cover. We will continue to monitor the situation and will report back any new information. Thank you for your partnership in ensuring the health and safety of all District #259 stakeholders. Please contact the Main Office at 815-944-5448 if you have any concerns.
over 3 years ago, Marcus Alexander
Greetings Parents, This is a friendly reminder that Friday, October 15, 2021, is an early dismissal for students due to School Improvement Day. Students will be dismissed at 1pm. You may contact the Main Office with any questions or concerns at 815-944-5219. Thank you!
over 3 years ago, Marcus Alexander
Greets District #259 Families, This message is to remind you that Monday, October 11th is Columbus Day. Therefore, there will be No School for all students and staff. Also, Tuesday, October 12th will be our first public School Board Meeting beginning at 6 PM. Take care and have a great weekend!
over 3 years ago, Marcus Alexander
​Greetings, This communication is to inform you that a positive COVID-19 case has been reported within Lorenzo R. Smith Elementary School. Contact Tracing and investigations have been conducted by the Kankakee County Health Department and the District’s Administration. This message is for informational purposes only; those personnel that were considered to be Close Contacts have been notified under separate cover. We will continue to monitor the situation and will report back any new information. Thank you for your partnership in ensuring the health and safety of all District #259 stakeholders. Please contact the Main Office at 815-944-5448 if you have any concerns. Thank you!
over 3 years ago, Marcus Alexander
September 21, 2021 Greetings, This communication is to inform you that a positive COVID-19 case has been reported within Lorenzo R. Smith Elementary School. Contact Tracing and investigations have been conducted by the Kankakee County Health Department and the District’s Administration. This message is for informational purposes only; those personnel that were considered to be Close Contacts have been notified under separate cover. We will continue to monitor the situation and will report back any new information. Thank you for your partnership in ensuring the health and safety of all District #259 stakeholders. Please the Main Office at 815-944-5448 if you have any concerns.
over 3 years ago, Marcus Alexander
Greetings LRS Parents, This message is to remind you that Friday, September 17th is an early dismissal for all students due to School Improvement Day. All students will be dismissed at 1 PM. Please contact the Main Office if you have any questions Thank you!
over 3 years ago, Marcus Alexander
Greetings District #259 Parents, Smile Illinois will be coming at our school on September 15th and September 16th to do dental exams on our students! The dental registration forms are available for pick up in the front office or you can register online at : if you haven't received the documentation. Please return the forms as soon as possible. If you have any questions, please contact the school at (815) 944-5219! Thank you
over 3 years ago, Marcus Alexander
Greetings District #259 Parents and Staff, A few moments ago, the District’s Administration was notified of potential threats of violence for schools in our neighboring communities. Although the threats were not directly regarded for Pembroke, we want to take every possible concern seriously. As a result, Administration will be monitoring conditions in the community and will be implementing more stringent safety protocols for the welfare of all students and staff. We will keep you updated of any new information. Thank you! Dr. Alexander
over 3 years ago, Marcus Alexander
Greetings Pembroke Parents, This message is a reminder you that on Monday, September 6th there will be NO SCHOOL in observance of the Labor Day holiday. We hope that you all have a safe and restful holiday weekend. Take Care!
over 3 years ago, Marcus Alexander
Greetings Pembroke Families, The first day of instruction for all students was Wednesday, August 11th. If you have already registered your child, please ensure that they attending school. If you have not registered, we are currently taking walk- in registrations in the Main Office from 9am-1pm Monday through Friday. We look forward to seeing all students in school as soon as possible. If you have any questions, please call us at 815-944-5219. Thank you!
over 3 years ago, Marcus Alexander
Pembroke CCSD #259 August 10, 2021 Regular Board Meeting Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 839 9603 1107 Passcode: 626703
over 3 years ago, Marcus Alexander
Come One... Come All!!!!! Thursday August 26th- Miss Pembroke Pageant at 6pm at the Senior Citizens Building/ applications are now being accepted Friday August 27th- Children's box parade 6pm at the 4 Way/ registrations are now being accepted Saturday August 28th- Pembroke Parade at 11am with a full day of events following at Martin Luther King Park Sunday August 29th- 11am Church Service at MLK park
over 3 years ago, Marcus Alexander
English Flyer
Spanish Flyer
Greetings, The Kankakee County Health Department will be here at the school giving immunizations from 900am-200pm on August 6, 2021. You can come Thursday July 29th at 800am-200pm during registration hours or Monday August 2, at 800am-200pm to complete the required documentation. They will also give COVID-19 Vaccination for ages 12-100! All are Welcome! They will offer Johnson & Johnson or Pfizer. Illinois State Required Physicals for the students will also be completed by Dr. R. Alford at no charge. Come out and take advantage of the Great Opportunities! Thank you for staying Safe & Healthy!
over 3 years ago, Marcus Alexander